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London Street Photography

at Museum of the City of New York | Fri Nov 30 - Sun Dec 02


Museum of the City of New York

1220 Fifth Ave.
New York NY , 10029
Tel: 212-534-1672
Contact Name: info@mcny.org
Visit Website: Website.

Date & Time

10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Ticket Info: 212-534-1672, http://www.mcny.org
Cost:    Included in admission

'London Street Photography' features images by over 70 photographers who have recorded fleeting moments in London, capturing the faces and lives of ordinary people who populate this complicated and ever-changing metropolis. The exhibition, organized by the Museum of London, features work by such notables as John Thomson, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, George Rodger, Bert Hardy, Roger Mayne, and Nick Turpin, as well as by countless anonymous photographers whose contributions have been just as important in recording the city. Through more than 150 images, 'London Street Photography' traces two compelling histories: the development of the practice, aesthetics, and technology of street photography the course of a century and a half, and the simultaneous growth of a modern city.